Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Does it feel like 9-10?

Wow its been awhile, my apologies summer can get busy...

The Cross Movement had a song on there last CD called 9-10. The premise of the song is that we love living in 9-10. That refers to 9-10-2001. The day before the terrible terrorist strike which occurred on 9-11-01 and will forever be etched in our memories. I first heard this rap song about a year ago and it has rattled around in my mind ever since. Here is one lyric sample from the song; "we pray every day that it won't happen again, but then we celebrate sin and it feels like 9-10, over and over and over again".

When will the church get it? Our God is bigger then a day on the calender, a crisis, a tragedy or a pandemic! He is in complete control, we are the ones who are out of touch. We pray frivolous and selfish prayers hoping to appease God so bad things won't happen, then we go one living life the same way as if it was 9-10. 9-11 was a horrific tragedy, but has deep spiritual connotations. If you did not ever think that was true, rethink. God does not bring tragedy to see His sons and daughters injured or killed. I believe it comes as a result of our reckless 9-10 like attitude toward our lives and sin. As we stand now almost 7 years removed, does anyone who did not have a direct connection to 9-11 think about how it changed them each day when they awaken? We should, because everything happens for a reason and God is not some tiny God who would allow such a huge tragedy so that only those directly involved would be touched and impacted. We have all heard the "fire and brimstone" sermons, the "turn or burn" messages that are so hollow and unsympathetic and cast God as this Holy Bug Zapper waiting to zap anyone who does wrong. There is truth to those sermons though. If we continue to celebrate sin, He will continue to send more wake up calls such as 9-11. If we fall to the same 9-10 sins over and over again, don't think he won't drop a personal 9-11 on your spirit and life. Just like some children only need a look from their parents to straighten up, others need a much more public sometimes embarrassing action before they will listen to their parents. Don't wait for a personal 9-11 attack from God. Tune in to Him and listen to what He is saying. Don't live a perpetual 9-10 life. WHAT IF 9-11 changed everyone for good and not just for a month?

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